Flavored yogurts are much higher in carbs and sugar. A cup of strawberry-flavored Greek yogurt has 29 grams of carbs. If you subtract the fiber content of 2 grams, you’ll arrive at what low-carb diets call “net” carbs; it’s still high at 27 grams, which is also the amount of sugar in that serving. Vanilla-flavored yogurt, which you would expect to have less sugar, may actually have more. A cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt supplies 34 grams of carbs, all of them from sugar. Even honey-flavored yogurt is higher up the carb and sugar chain, with 1 cup of a popular brand containing 34 grams of carbs -- again, all from sugar. Choosing yogurt with artificial sweeteners does drop the sugar count, but the overall carbs remain high.