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Introduction to Anthropology • 1. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Culture as a Central Concept • Have you ever wondered why.. Some cultures are warlike like these Vanuatu tribesmen?

(Top photo) Who have guests over for dinner—and the guests are the dinner? Of course, were much more civilized that that, aren’t we? (Our boys in action over there in Iraq) We use high tech—much cleaner than all that gore) • Hasn’t It ever occurred to you.. Why polygamy is practiced?


(You were maybe expecting two women married to one man?) Guess what! The upper photo does portrays polygamy of a kind. It’s called polyandry—one woman married to two men So does the lower photo of this ethnic Tibetan coup—I mean trio • Haven’t these things piqued your curiosity..

How it is that people practice sorcery (above) And actually believe all that stuff? Or how half a million would go halfway around the world For the sake of a rock called the Kabala Stone? • Or how about these.. Why is it that, to some peoples, this witchetty grub is like a steak dinner? Or why is it that, instead of using pigskin for football games, These Afghan horsemen prefer to use a goat’s carcass for their version of polo?

Intro To Anthropology Pdf

Practice Quiz for Overview of Anthropology: No. Of Questions= 9 INSTRUCTIONS: To answer a question, click the button in front of your choice. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. Be sure to read the feedback. It is designed to help you learn the material. Anthropology is a comparative study of culture, society, and human difference. The field challenges us to consider the many ways in which people’s lives are shaped by social relations, cultural images, and historical forces. Based on ethnographic accounts and documentary films, the course.